Other Writing

Op-Eds and Columns:

Why I Set My Young Adult Novel About Abortion in the 1990s, for Salon

I Want a Baby. I Don't Want to Force Someone to Have It for Me, for the New York Times

I used to write a column for Chronicle Vitae, about how much contingent life in academia sucks, and also, more positively how you can dig yourself out of that hole. If you're a teen reading Rebel Girls, this might not be for you, but if you're a YA writer whose family is encouraging you to go back to grad school, it might be 100,000% relevant.

Riot Grrrl and Other Music Writing:

I wrote two chapters in Women Make Noise (2012), on Girl Groups and Riot Grrrl/Ladyfest/Rock Camp for Girls (with Sarah Dougher). These are written for a general audience, so if you want to know more about Riot Grrrl, my chapter with Sarah is a good place to start.

And now, if you REALLY want to dig deep into Riot Grrrl or other DIY punk women things, I'm here for you! Below is a list of my publications in academia and in academia-adjacent spaces:

  • "Riot Grrrl: Nostalgia and Historiography," Oxford Handbook of Punk Rock, edited by George McKay and Gina Arnold (2021).
  • "An Evening with Three Rebel Women," Sounding Out! (2017).  
  • “Intersectionality in Third-Wave Feminist Popular Music: Race, Class, and Sexuality,” Oxford Handbooks Online (2015).
  • “Asking for It: Rape, Postfeminism, and Alternative Music in the 1990s,” Women and Music, Volume 19 (2015).
  • “Safe Space: The Riot Grrrl Collection,” with Lisa Darms, Archivaria, 13(1) (November 2013).
  • “If Liz Phair’s Exile in Guyville Made You a Feminist, What Kind of Feminist Are You?: Heterosexuality, Race, and Class in the Third Wave,” Women and Music, Volume 14 (2010).
  • “Who Are You calling ‘Lady’?: Femininity, Sexuality, and Third Wave Feminism,” Journal of Popular Music Studies, Volume 20, Issue 4 (Fall 2008).
  • Acting Like a “Lady”: Popular Music, Third Wave Feminism, and the White Middle Class (Dissertation, Columbia University, 2008).